How I Started Programming

Posted by andrewjford on April 14, 2017

Hi, my name is Andrew. I just started Flat Iron School’s Online Full Stack Web Developer Program. I come from an accounting background. My goal is to begin a career as a web developer after completing the program.

Roughly a year and a half ago I came to the realization that I needed a change. At that time I had been working in public accounting (specifically audit) for over four years. Accounting was a profession I chose due to its stability and strong job prospects. But after four years I knew that it was not for me. It was too dull, too unimaginative and uninspiring.

Software development attracted me because I have always been interested in technology. I took a C programming course many years ago as an elective in college and really enjoyed it. Through research I learned that it was possible to break into the software development profession without a computer science degree. This was important to me since I had already spent many years in college getting a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. I was not ready to spend even more time and money getting a CS degree. I decided to begin teaching myself coding skills on nights and weekends, through online resources and classes.