My Coding Journey

Where I blog about my experiences in programming

Modals in React/Redux

Recently I have been working on adding login and signup modals to one of my React/Redux applications. These modals would be accessed from the navbar, but I was unsure of how they should be structured in a React and Redux design. In this post I will outline a common approach for handling modals in a React/Redux application.

The Event Loop

I have been preparing for common interview questions given to entry level web developers. One area of note is the Javascript event loop, where I have seen general questions about it as well as some code related questions. It makes sense that a web developer might get a question related to the event loop since it is a key underlying aspect of asynchronous behavior in Javascript.

JWT Logins in React/Redux

In this post I discuss how to manage JSON web tokens in a React front end application that uses Redux. We will assume that the front end is making a call to an API back end that responds with a JWT. If you want detail on setting up JWT on a Rails API back end, see this post.

Rails and create-react-app - Single Deployment

In this post I walkthrough how to deploy a Create React App and Rails API to Heroku. We will have our Rails API deploy to Heroku and then setup the create-react-app to build and serve from that Heroku server.

Rails and create-react-app - CORS Deployment

In this post I discuss methods to deploy a Create React App with a Rails back end. I go into detail on how to do this using CORS and separately deployed front/back-ends.