Adding an authentication token system can be a bit confusing the first time around if you are only familiar with session based authentication. In this post I am going to walkthrough adding token authentication to a Rails API using JWT.
Leaflet JS is a map library I used in my National Park Explorer application. I used the react-leaflet
library to integrate Leaflet with React. What I want to discuss today is managing state of a Leaflet map in a React project.
I have been working my way through Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec by Aaron Sumner. It has been a great resource for learning common testing approaches with RSpec. I have been building out my tests for a previous project while going through the book.
My most recent project is a map based React application that uses the Leaflet JavaScript library. I used react-leaflet to more easily integrate Leaflet into my React app. React-leaflet allows Leaflet maps to be represented as React components.
This is a brief overview of my React final project which can be found at