My Coding Journey

Where I blog about my experiences in programming

Redux Reducers

This post discusses the importance of how you maintain state with reducers in Redux.

Const Var Let

When I first learned about const and let I tried to look into how they were different from var. I was met by lengthy posts discussing block scope and new ES6 implementations. Since const and let were introduced with ES6 many of the write-ups about it came from an experienced developer standpoint, with a similar intended audience. This post is intended to be a short and simple explanation of the differences between const var and let in Javascript.

Adding a JSON API to an existing Rails app

I have been working on updating my previous Rails app with some javascript/json functionality. Check out my last post to learn more about this app. My first target was the comments section.


I am nearing the completion of my first Rails web application. It is named AuditRequest. AuditRequest is an application to facilitate file transfers and communications between CPA firms and organizations being audited.

Struggles and ActionView

Getting back into a groove can be tough. This past week I did not have time to spend coding or studying. This break was at the same time as when I felt the material was really getting difficult. I am still not very confident in my understanding of nested associations.