My Coding Journey

Where I blog about my experiences in programming

Expense Tracker Sinatra App

I have (for the most part) completed my first Sinatra app. It took me just over a week to put together, with much of the last few days spent tinkering with css and the design. The current functionality of the app allows users to track their spending. The app lets the user record expenses by date,category, and description. The users can then easily view monthly reports of their spending grouped by category, as well as other reports filtered by category or description.

NFL Team Schedule Scraper

For my CLI project I chose to create a web scraper for NFL team schedules. Its main function is to display all 32 NFL teams and let the user drill down to each team to see the team’s current schedule. It works off of the web pages.

How I Started Programming

Hi, my name is Andrew. I just started Flat Iron School’s Online Full Stack Web Developer Program. I come from an accounting background. My goal is to begin a career as a web developer after completing the program.